Every 32 Seconds

Hand Injuries occur in the workplace every 32 seconds. With that being said, the use of proper hand protection is estimated to reduce 70% of hand injuries. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) the financial cost of hand injuries is more than $300 million per year in lost production time, medical expenses, and workers compensation. For many, the use of hand protection isn't mandatory and in many instances overlooked. Truth is, reducing the impact your hands take when performing certain tasks can protect your joints from excessive wear as well as prevent blistering, cuts, heavy impact, as well as being aesthetically disfigured. Losing a finger in an accident can have ramifications on how individuals go through their day-to-day.
Mechanix Wear recognizes the wearers need for different levels of protection. Twenty years of analysis, development, and innovation has now created 74 different styles of work gloves designed for a wide range of tasks. Each style glove has its own story and purpose whether it provides basic protection or complete exo-skeletal coverage, Mechanix Wear has the right type of hand protection you need. From the race track to your home, high performance hand protection has evolved into a necessity for today’s work environment even if you’re working around the house.
Ultimately, it’s our motivation for innovation that makes Mechanix Wear the #1 brand in hand protection and that motivation is our customers. The testimonial below is exactly why we do what we do:
I wanted to share my recent experience with you.
About 5 weeks ago I was involved in an accident at work where a chain lifting a 3000 lb weight broke and shifted unexpectedly. This caused my finger to be caught in the chain crushing two bones and also ripping it to shreds. I have permanently lost the partial use of my finger but as the doctors and surgeon had informed me. If I had not been wearing your Impact Pro Mechanix gloves at the time, that my finger would have been easily ripped completely from my hand causing a much worse outcome then it did.
I am so thankful that I was wearing your gloves when this happened. Yes the glove is un-usable again but it truly did save my finger so I wanted to thank your company immensely for designing and making such an awesome glove that in this case was a life saver so to speak of.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this onto others because unfortunately hearing kudos doesn’t come often enough in our society today. I have always worn your work gloves because the industry I work in without them would cause many burns or cuts. I would have never imagined that one day they would actually save one of my fingers.
Since the accident I haven’t been able to find anyone local that sells this specific glove anymore. The only things I’ve been able to find are your light to medium duty gloves but I will continue to look until I find them. When I do I can assure you that several others at my job site have already said they want to start wearing them knowing what they did to save my finger.
Kudos To you all once again I cannot say that enough!
C. Smith
West Union, South Carolina